Movie Poster Critique

Sierra's movie poster, "Guards Gone", has a unique creepy vibe. I have to admit, the poster was made too dark and is hard to make out. Unless this was her intention in order to make the dress pop, giving the poster a ghostly feel. If you look up close, you can see the arms and a head in the dress, along with jewelry, but no legs. I would assume that on the cover of the poster is a ghost, hence the killer of the guards.

The background reminds me of a dungeon that would be underneath the castle, where most guards are located. A dungeon can be a dark, dingy, eerie place with some insane prisoners. In the movies, long staircases are used to get to dungeons and characters take advantage of that time for lengthy dialogue. Since dungeons are so deep, it would be hard for anyone to hear someone calling for help when being murdered.

The title threw me off at first, but after staring at it for awhile, I think the color choice is a good contrast with the dress. Sierra could have used a better font choice, nothing too plain, just scary.
Overall, I like how the movie poster reminds me of an old medieval or Shakespearean film with its texture. The older it looks, the more frightening!


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