Movie Poster Prompt

Image result for adventures in babysitting

My personal favorite movie poster is the cover of Adventures in Babysitting. The reason why I adore this poster is mainly because of the color and how it pops. It really grabs your attention where you cannot stop staring at it. The style of it is almost cartoonish which gives it character and you can tell this was made in the 90s, so you know it's good. The different facial expressions of each character gives you an idea of their personalities. Just seeing them on the side of a building makes you wonder just how crazy of an adventure they must have had to end up there. The font for the title was a really good choice, big and bold, just like the movie. The last thing I want to mention is the main character's scarf. There's something about it that captures my eye. I like how it's a rainbow, it works well with the coloring of this poster. I also love how it flows in the wind, it just looks so badass to me. 


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