Everyone is Altered (response)

After reading this article, I realized that I never thought about why actors and actresses look so good in a movie. I think, "Wow, they really look beautiful or handsome." Then again, this did not surprise me that much, especially with the type of society we live in today. Nowadays, you see lots of TV shows or news reports about people getting plastic surgery to make themselves look younger or more beautiful. This can encourage viewers to do the same thing, or make them consider whether they too need work done. Even on social media, not every post is natural or real anymore with Photoshop. In order to get others to pay attention, or to simply receive more likes and comments, people edit their pictures. The technology that we have today both amazes and scares me as it keeps improving. You don't know whether someone is real or not and we have to be aware of this. This can cause people to have more trust issues, which can keep them from socializing with others. It is not healthy to keep everything to yourself. We should be able to accept who we are and honestly communicate with one another. Not everyone is going to agree with you, but that does not mean no one will. In my opinion, I think plastic surgery makes you look horrible because it does not look natural. You should never mess with mother nature. Your body is a temple and you should embrace that. Photoshop can be used to make improvements if it is to alter how someone looks on a magazine cover or in a film. That is understandable. This is to keep the viewer interested and it is just acting, but it should not be used in our actual real lives. We must be true to ourselves and others so no feelings are hurt.


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