Rethinking the Way we Sit Down (response)

After watching this video, the first thing that came to my mind, is that you never really know what you will end up doing in the future because your mind is constantly evolving. You first love something, learn different ideas about it, are given opinions, and branch out from there. For instance, Niels Diffrient went from his love of planes, to drawing them. He studied the parts of the plane, so that his drawings would reflect a vehicle that could actually fly. Later, he focused more on art because of another's opinion on his drawing skills. Drawing planes led to his interest in drawing furniture, specifically chairs, because of how much planes had changed over time. He studied the human body more, learning different body types, so his chair would be as comfortable as possible and easy to use. He used what he was good at and moved onto something completely different than his first love. He used both his talent for drawing and observing to make something beneficial for everyone.  


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