First Day Questions (answers)

My previous computer experience is Adobe Illustrator in Graphic Design. What I hope to get out of this class is to become more familiar with the computer and using different programs to support my ideas for animation. I would also like to strengthen my drawing skills. I do not have any experience with Photoshop. I took a Graphic Design class my senior year in high school and did different projects with Adobe Illustrator. I also did a project with InDesign. I have a PC at home and my own personal mac, but neither have Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator. I mostly use mac now. With my major I hope to eventually create my own animated series. At the very least, be apart of a company. I have many favorite artists since they all have their own unique talents. If I had to pick one, it would be Rachel Smyth who both wrote and drew Lore Olympus on Webtoon. I recently learned Greek Mythology and find it very interesting so when I found this I had to read it. It is both beautiful and very original. Every character has their own color which really makes it stick out. I love the smallest things such as Persephone's big eyes, they look fun to draw! My favorite musicians would have to be twrp. They're not everyone's cup of tea, but for me I'll chug it down. Their music is a mix of the future and the past, it's just something you have to listen to for yourself. Something interesting about myself is that I am currently, but very slowly, working on my own series and hope to make something out of it in the future. Five line story: There once was a boy. He was constantly chased. He didn't know why. All he knew was how to do was run. He could never hide.


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